Mr. Luke Short lived in Dartmouth England until he was 16 years old.  Before leaving England he had seen Oliver Cromwell and witnessed the beheading of King Charles I.  It was at this time he sailed for America.  As an adult he traveled as a seaman for many years until his age prevented him from doing so any longer.  Eventually he settled down and became a farmer in Middleborough, MA.

One day while working on his farm at the age of 100, he sat down to take a break from his labors.  While sitting there alone he thought back through the many things he had experienced in life.  Particularly when he was young.

john-flavelAt some point he remembered listening to John Flavel (Pictured right) preach when he was quite young… before he left England.  As he remember a message he heard some 85 years earlier, and a phrase came to memory that pastor Flavel had spoken… “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema maranatha (Eternally condemned).”

It was while reflecting on a message he had heard 85 years earlier… while sitting in a field an ocean away from his youth… that God saved him!  He then united with First Congregational Church in Middleborough and lived to the age of 116.  To God be the glory!


Just because you don’t SEE the fruit of your labors does not mean God will not bring forth fruit.  “God’s Word does not retun empty.”  Note: I personallyl know a lady who prayed for 50 years for her husband to become a believer… and God answered that prayer!

God’s timing is His own and we are to trust Him in that.  If he chooses to let us see the results of what we do, to Him be the glory.  If not, to Him be the glory.

The Gospel seed laid buried for 85 years before it sprouted forth in Luke Short.  Eighty-five years!  Just because a person does not trust Christ when we plant the seed does not mean the person won’t believe in Christ one day.  “One plants, another waters, God gives the increase.”

No person is too old to come to Christ for salvation!