Five Passages Christians MUST Know

These are in order by the way… Romans 3:23 “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 5:8 “God shows...

Decisions And Uncommon Faith

Would you be willing to let someone who is at odds with you make a decision FOR YOU that determined the direction for the rest of your life?  Let me ask that another way… Would WE trust GOD enough to allow a person who has problems with us to make a decision...

Hard Family Discussions

Recently Al Mohler wrote about the potential name change of the Southern Baptist Convention.  But this post isn’t about the discussion regarding changing the name of my beloved denomination.  Instead I want to focus on the last few things Dr. Mohler wrote that...

Pray for God’s Guidance Or God’s Will?

As best I can tell, it isn’t recorded in Scripture that Jesus asked God to guide him.  As far as I have found, I can’t find in Scripture a command to pray seeking God’s guidance.  What Jesus did pray about… and He taught us to pray… was...

What Now God?

What does it mean to follow God and what will be required? In Henry Blackaby’s study Experiencing God he encourages Christians regarding how to follow God and discern His will.  This applies in the life of a church as much as that of an individual.  Consider these...