Warning: Pride…

Here is THE sin you probably don’t know you struggle with. Consider this interchange between God and Cain found in Gen 4:6-7… “Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? 7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin...

My Weaknesses

In job interviews people say, “Tell us your three strengths and three weaknesses…”  Our reply is presented to make our weaknesses come off as strengths.  None of us likes to think about our weaknesses… much less tell them to anyone.  Weakness...

Pride And Anxiety

I found this on a friend’s blog.  I figured if it spoke to me, it’s speak to someone else… You name it, I tried it. I prayed. I fasted. I studied my Bible. Yet over and over, no matter what discipline I practiced, the ugly demon of anxiety crept back...

He’s One Proud Preacher!

I got the idea for this post from THIS ARTICLE.  Because I am a preacher I can talk about them with some knowledge of what I’m saying.  My fear in writing this is that I may be talking about myself.  But here it goes anyway… Some preachers are so proud...