My wife once told me, “You don’t have to say everything that pops into your mind!” My reply, “Honey… I don’t…” (Picture in your mind a look of horror coming across her face). We’ve all been wounded by what people...

Wounded By Words

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”  Whoever said that was clueless! (I post on this often because it is a relevant topic). Our words can wound people… deeply… for along time.  Physical wounds heal quickly. ...

God Said… “NO!”

It is better to be quiet and thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.  In Biblical terms it is written in Prov 17:28, “Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.”  Those sentences...

The Last Thing You Ever Say…

Controlling what I say is not only hard… it’s virtually impossible!  But I’m asking God to help me not say things that sting or slight others… and I have never taken on a task that is any harder!  Over the last two weeks I’ve been...