Periodically I have watched TBN over the years (Every now and then there is something a little worth watching, but in my experience it is rare).  Tuesday night I was channel surfing and landed there for a few minutes.  But this time what I heard so incensed me I have sworn the channel off for good.  There are too many things being said that I can’t stomach.  For example, this is what I heard last night from Anthony Murray and is a direct quote…

Don’t get stuck on what God SAID, listen for what He is SAYING.  Don’t rely upon an OLD word, listen for a NEW word…

Really?  What God has SAID… the Scripture… is not worth relying upon any longer?  Forget what God gave by inspiration of the Spirit to men over hundreds of years is not worthy of being trusted anymore?  I have a serious problem with what Mr. Murray was proclaiming.

But maybe he wasn’t talking about the Bible so much as things God supposedly “said” to him or others in the past.  Maybe he is referring to things God spoke to others in the past and that now God has something different to say.  If that is the case, I still have a couple of problems.  First, God revelation of Himself was completed when the Cannon was closed (The 66 books of the Bible).  Today God does His will and we join Him in whatever He is doing.  Second… It is arrogant to even imply that God’s written word is no longer applicable or fresh… and that a “new word” from God is needed.  That is the kind of thing that makes shipwreck of people’s faith.

After listening to Mr. Murray for about 20 minutes I’d had enough of him talking about all the “new things” God is doing and how the “old things” are passing away.  I couldn’t stomach the number of times he said, “God gave me a word,” or “God told me,” or “God said to me.”  I got tired of him saying God was going to bless his people financially in the midst of this economic recession.  The “Prosperity Gospel” is unbliblical… it is heresy… it is not THE Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Rather I suggest Mr. Murray falls under what is written in 2 Peter 2:1-3…

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them (Comment: Mr. Murray didn’t deny Jesus), bringing upon themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their sensuality (Mr. Murray’s message is directed to the flesh), and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

As I’ve heard before: If a message preached in an American pulpit does not also apply in Ethiopia, then it is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I agree.

Soon enough what is preached by these men will come to ruin.  Those who put their hope in a message of prosperity in this life will be left wanting.  History will look back on these charlatans as a cancer on the church who led many astray in their faith.