God of comfortSince April/May I’ve been working on writing a book titled, “Dancing In The Dungeon: Suffering Joyfully For God’s Glory.” The manuscript has been submitted and in presently under a theological review prior to publication. Then there will be a few additional weeks before it is actually published. If you could pray for a quick and smooth process I’d appreciate it. Then, if you could pray for God to “Make the connections” I’d appreciate that also.

It is based on Acts 16:19-26 when after Paul and Silas were beaten, placed in the dungeon with their feet in chains, they were praying AND SINGING (“Dancing” metaphorically). My assertion is that it is God’s will for His people to be joyful… always… including when we are in our own dungeons. Christians (Baptists?) should joyfully dance in praise to God! What I have done is write about how God has comforted me in hardships over the years for others to be comforted by God. As a little preview, here are the Chapters…

Chapter 1: What God Can Do

Reflection: One Night From Hell

Chapter 2: A Theology Of Encouragement

Reflection: Satan’s Achilles Heel…Forgiveness

Chapter 3: Heaven… The Best Is Yet To Come

Reflection: Waves And Caves

Chapter 4: Why Me, Why This, Why Now

Reflection: The Problem Of God And Evil

Chapter 5: When God Is Silent

Reflection: Before All Hell Breaks Loose

Chapter 6: Prayer… Your Desire Is God’s Will

Reflection: Panacea For Discouragement (Worship)

Chapter 7: Rest For The Soul

Reflection: Waiting On God

Chapter 8: Comfort When Betrayal

Reflection: Enemies As Emissaries of Grace

Chapter 9: Comfort In Personal Failure

Reflection: Mind Over Heart

Chapter 10: For Ministers… When Sheep Attack Shepherds

Reflection: Pure Prayer

Chapter 11: When And How To Terminate A Minister

Chapter 12: Now What?

When the book is published I will post it here. Hopefully you will read it for God to comfort you in your trials… or give it to someone who needs the God of all comfort.