God endowed music with great power. There is something about words set to music that can stir the soul powerfully. As with most things, this power can be used for good or evil. I’ve found that when I am struggling that listening to the right kind of music and bless, encourage, and strengthen me. I’ve found that God uses music that glorifies Him to get my mind off what is temporary (This world) and focused on what is eternal (The God who inhabits heaven).
I have put together a series of songs from CDs I’ve purchased through the years called, “Streams In The Desert.” I listen to the songs when I need encouragement… when I want to be closer to God through worship. Over the years I’ve added to and modified the list. Here are the songs as they exist now (Their order is important for me). Also… for a couple of the links focus on the words, music, and message.
Praise You In This Storm (Casting Crowns)
Voice of Truth (Casting Crowns)
I’m Forgiven (Charlie Hall)
My Finest Hour (Matthew West)
In Christ Alone (Travis Cottrell)
I Then Shall Live (Gaither Vocal Band)
Glorious Day (Casting Crowns)
I Am (FBC Odessa, Tx)
He Is Alive (Travis Cottrell)
Jesus Saves (Travis Cottrell)
Trading My Sorrows (I-Worship)
Trust In You (Jeremy Camp)
Swing Low Sweet Chariot (Acapella version. Artist unknown)
Give Me Jesus (Fernando Ortega)
Before… during… and after my quiet time I’ve listened to these songs. When walking, travelling, and in my bed at night… I’ve listened to these songs and been encouraged.
Suggestion: Make your own playlist or CD of songs lifting worship to God (That’s important!). Play it often. Learn the words. Worship God. Be encouraged.