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Gerald Ford died yesterday at the age of 93.  He was the first and only unelected President of the United States.  He became Vice-President after a tax scandal required Spiro T. Agnew to resign that office.  Then he became President when Richard M. Nixon was forced to resign because of another scandal called Watergate.

As president, Gerald Ford had a 71% approval rating by the American public until he did something scandalous himself.  His approval rating after his “mistake” plummeted to somewhere around 33%. 

What had he done that caused his approval rating to drop 40%?  He gave a full pardon to former president Richard Nixon.  By executive order, President Ford forgave Mr. Nixon… and that infuriated millions of people across the nation.  A significant number of Americans didn’t want Nixon to be forgiven… they wanted him pulverized, driven into the ground, his head on a platter, and then burned at the stake.  Most commentators noted that Ford’s pardon (Forgiveness) of Nixon caused him to lose the presidential election to Jimmy Carter.

Aside: If/when you forgive, it will be scandalous to someone and cost you…

Forgiveness is scandalous.  When Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery, it was scandalous.  When Zacchaeus was forgiven, it was scandalous.  When the woman poured oil on Jesus feet and washed them with her hair, it was scandalous.   In fact every time a person is forgiven it is scandalous… because sin that is forgiven still costs someone.

Forgiveness always has a cost… it is NEVER free.  Forgiveness cost Ford an election.  And our forgiveness cost Jesus life.  God doesn’t “just forgive,” He exacted the cost of our forgiveness from His son by punishing Him as if He committed our sin and that resulted in our being forgiven.  Our forgiveness may be freely given, but it isn’t free.

Aside: If/when you forgive, it will be scandalous to someone and cost you…

It is scandalous that God would choose to forgive anyone at the cost of His son.  That isn’t fair… but it is merciful.  It isn’t “right,” but it is gracious.  Our forgiveness is the scandal of all scandals.  I write that because if God were fair, every single person who has ever lived would be condemned.  But to God’s glory, He hasn’t been fair… He’s shown mercy.

Aside: If/when you forgive, it will be scandalous to someone and cost you…

Forgiveness is indeed scandalous… specially when it was applied to me.  Glory to God for his forgiveness and pardon!