At the end of the day… after everything is over… what do you believe? What are the things you will not budge on regarding your faith? What are the things you will hang your hat on to sustain you through life?
Below are seven things I believe that I will not negotiate. These truths about God are not open to debate or discussion. After each truth is a personal application that I have settled on after much reflection, thought, and prayer.
Seven Things To Nail Down Before All Hades Breaks Loose
Truth: God IS Good! (Psalms 73:1). Application: “Nothing bad ever has, or ever will, happen to me. Evil… yes. Bad… no.” See Genesis 50:20.
Truth: God IS Love! (1 John 4:8, 16). Application: “It is impossible for me or others to mess up my life past God using for His glory.”
Truth: God IS In Control! (Romans 8:28; Daniel 4:35; Is 46:9-10). Application: “God only allows into my life what is ultimately good for me.”
Truth: God IS Just {Righteous}! (Ezra 9:15). Application: “Satan can only do what God allows.”
Truth: All God’s Ways ARE Perfect! (Deuteronomy 32:4). Application: “I can rejoice in every circumstance by keeping a heaven theology.” (Col 3:1-4)
Truth: God IS Trustworthy! (2 Sam 7:28; Ps 62:8; Pr 3:5-6; Jn 14:1). Application: “This gives me great hope & peace.”
Truth: God Does Not Change (Num 23:19; Ps 33:11; Mal 3:6; Is 59:1; Ja 1:17). Application: “My salvation & faith in God cannot be lost.”
Great list Ron. Our understanding of God’s goodness and our identity in Him are two things the enemy is always trying to shake. If we can get these things down (with the verses to use in spiritual warfare when we begin to doubt) then we will be stronger in Christ when life gets hard.