“Rejoice with those who rejoice…” (Romans 12:15). “Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all” (Phil 2:17-18).
I received an email yesterday from a pastor who is excited… with good reason. God is doing a good work in the congregation he serves in just about every way you can imagine. Attendance is strong. Giving is exceptionally strong. Baptisms are regular. Young people are being called to ministry. And the congregation is full of joy. Then there the thing I notice most… there is peace among God’s people and the ministerial staff.
All those things didn’t just happen, a lot of prayer… blood… sweat… and tears went in to building up the people of God. And now, several years after the fellowship was founded, the fruit is being harvested. He is excited and I am excited for and with him. There is not another pastor I know that I would want to be blessed more than this man. There are very few (!) pastors who have a good mix of loving God, loving God’s people, Bible knowledge with the ability to preach, compassion, vision, and leadership. But he has them. When I think of God’s work there, I praise God for what He is doing.
Question: Do you rejoice and are you glad when God blesses OTHERS? Sadly, I know ministers who get jealous and frustrated when they hear of God blessing other ministers or churches.
Question: On the other end of the spectrum, do you rejoice when someone you don’t like is struggling? If so, remember Pr 24:17-18, “Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles, lest the Lord see it and be displeased, and turn away his anger from him.” But I digress…
Look for those God is blessing and rejoice with them! When you see God doing a good work, praise Him for it! When God opens the windows of heaven upon a church or ministry, glorify God that His name is being exalted!
Amen to all of that. You, yourself, are an awesome pastor. All people have troubles and we don’t know what they are
but sometimes that is why they are in a bad mood or whatever so each day I receive people and if they are nice to me that
is fine, if not they have something on their mind that is bothering them or disturbing them and they don’t think about the way
they react when people speak to them, etc. We are all blessed to just wake up each morning and God will take care of us.
Have a blessed day and thank you for your ministry.