“There is something we need to be praying about…”  is how Christians rationalize gossipping.  Remember… If someone will talk to you about someone else, they will talk to someone else about you!  Gossipping under the guise of a prayer request is not godly.

Let’s go Bible for a moment.  Do we take seriously Proverbs 6:16, 19?  There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to Him… 19 a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

Consider how strong the Scriptural truth is in this passage.  “Hates” and “An Abomination” are not warm fuzzy words.  They convey extreme emotion.  Extreme passion.  Extreme volitatiy.

Consider what the Scripture records that God hates… and what is not recorded there!  According to the Scripture (Not my interpretation), God hates the false witness HIMSELF!  THE PERSON who causes dissension is an abomination to God!  (Pause.  Reflect.  Meditate.)  It is not written that God hates the lies the false witness tells… but the false witness himself.  It is not written that God hates the results of the one who sows discord… but the person who causes discord.  (Pause.  Reflect.  Meditate.)

Objection!  “I thought ‘God is love.’  What’s with the concept of Him hating someone?!”

God’s anger, wrath, and hate are expressions of His love!  Because God loves so strongly, He is passionately opposed to whatever threatens what and who He loves.  Because God IS TRUTH, He hates anything and/or anyone who opposes Him (Because He IS truth).  Because God is a God of peace, He hates anything and/or anyone who disrupts His peace.

Blind Spot!  The problem is that we NEVER EVER think or believe WE are the ones described in Proverbs 6!  Unless God reveals it to us, we will ALWAYS believe the other person or someone else is the guilty party.  Sin has so infected our hearts and we are so easily deceived by it, we just don’t believe we are the one in the wrong!

Remedy.   Pray as David did… “Search me, O God, and know my heart!  Try me and know my thoughts!  And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!”

Oh… by the way… I wrote this post to be a reminder for me about my blind spots.