The Problem Of God And Evil

The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble. (Pr 16:4) Many people struggle over the problem of evil. But it’s really not hard IF God is taken at His Word and we don’t sit in judgment of Him. It is written in Eph...

How God Saves

Carl F.H. Henry wrote, “Revelation is a divinely initiated activity, God’s free communication by which he alone turns his personal privacy into a deliberate disclosure of his reality.” He argues that all merely human affirmations about God that are based on something...

God… Where Are You?

Question: When you get blindsided by life, who (Specifically) do you turn to first… who is the first person you call or go see? Usually it is our spouse, trusted friend, or pastor. Those people can be of some help, but in reality there should be a HUGE gap...

God Did That… AGAIN?!

“What can God Do?”  The answer… “Whatever He chooses.”  Now… “Why can He do it?”   Answer… “Because He is God.” Our last consideration regarding God’s mysterious ways is a mind boggling...