There are a number of my prayer requests that if God had said “yes,” I don’t know what my life would be, but it would be much different than it is. I don’t know what my life would be like, but I AM glad God said NO to these things (And many more I’m not naming or aware of)…
No to… A number of churches I thought I’d like to be the pastor of (I wouldn’t be pastor of HBC now… the most loving and accepting people I have served.).
No to… Allowing me to stay at a university in Mississippi (If I had stayed there, I wouldn’t have met my wonderful wife Pam at Samford University, and only God knows how many other things would be different!)…
No to… Healing my dad {Give me room on this one}. By God’s mercy and grace He saved my dad six weeks before his passing and as a result God provided in ways for things I didn’t know were to come…
No to… Having a blood sibling {Give me room here too}. God knew that the family dynamics I lived in were best suited for me being an only child (My brother died when he was six hours old when I was 3). Looking back now I see how this was best. Especially when I see how much closer my mom and I are as a result. Also… I have several men who I am closer to than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).
No to… Whatever I ask for in the future that HE knows is not ultimately good for me. I just hope I can remember this when it happens.
When God says no to your requests, He knows that request is not ultimately good for you. And because He wills only and always your best, He will only say yes to whatever IS for your best! Trust Him (Proverbs 3:5).
This soul is grateful for the path He used to lead you where you are and for the one He used to lead me to the intersection of our lives! God is so good and worthy of all praise and glory!
I would agree and am also thankful to our Father! Blessings…
Your personal reflections are always on point. Good word.
Ouch! We all need to remember this Ron but it sure is hard and even hurts sometimes when He says no…Thanks for reminding me today just when I needed it! Ha funny how that works huh!? Thank God for always knowing the big picture…and unanswered prayers… just like a good parent that tells their child “no” to things to protect them! 🙂
From “Seeking A Heart Like His” Beth Moore: “When you are begging with all your heart for God to say Yes and He still says no, you can bet, it’s not only for a purpose, it’s for YOUR purpose.” Take that to the bank!