7-11 Worship Songs

Eclectic: /ik’lektik/ Adjective: Deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources. When it comes to music, I like forms of classical… jazz… pop… country… oldies… rock… and polka.  You name it and there...

Were You To See God…

Spend some time today slowly reading these passages and meditating upon them. Contemplate the majesty, power, beauty, and the awesome nature of God.  And more wonderfully, the God who is described below, allows you to come into His presence if you are covered by the...

Making Worship Meaningful

If we want our worship to be meaningful… If we want to increase in our love for God… then we must understand the depth to which God has forgiven us.  If we don’t think we’re really all that bad… the degree of our thankfulness and love for...

Is Emotion In Worship Necessary?

Today I”m asking some very serious questions (at least for me)… and hoping for replies.  I know that most who answer will do so primarily from their experience and therefore the answers will probably be founded in the subjective sphere, and that is okay. ...