Pride And Anxiety

I found this on a friend’s blog.  I figured if it spoke to me, it’s speak to someone else… You name it, I tried it. I prayed. I fasted. I studied my Bible. Yet over and over, no matter what discipline I practiced, the ugly demon of anxiety crept back...

Don’t Fear Tomorrow!

Christian… remember this for it is how God will direct your life, “We walk by faith… not by sight.”  In other words, God will only give you enough light to take the next step (Sometimes).  Consider these examples… Abram was told to leave...

About Your Worry…

This is the beginning of a message I delivered last Sunday about worry and anxiety (To read the entire message click the link below).  I hope you’ll be encouraged… God’s Answer To Worry (Philippians 3:20-4:7) Every time God’s people come...

Why Are We Afraid To Be Honest?

Every Sunday people get up… get in their cars… and go to church.  Along the way they mull over a variety of things like: Their marriage is in serious trouble and/or… Their financial condition is tenuous at best and/or… Their children are...