Below are notes I am presenting today for youth from all over the state of Alabama as part of Super Summer 2011.  Please keep in mind these are teaching notes and do not contain all that is said during the class time.

The Uniqueness Of The Bible

What you hold in your hand is God’s Word.  Get your mind around that.  The Bible is from God… the Creator of the Universe… The Sustainer of life… Jehovah.  These are His decrees, laws, prescriptions, and precepts.  There is no other book that approaches the significance and importance of the Bible.  When you want to know what “The mind of Christ” is (1 Cor 2:16b), read the Bible!  If you want to “hear” God’s voice… read the Bible!

The Bible is God’s Truth for all eternity.  It will never change (Mt 5:18, 24:35).

Why  God Gave The Bible To Mankind:

  1. It is God’s revelation to mankind about Himself.
  2. It is God’s revelation to mankind regarding salvation.
  3. It is God’s revelation to mankind regarding His will for the ages.
  4. It is God’s revelation to mankind of what we must be in order to live before and with Him.
  5. It communicates God’s requirements for salvation.  “No Scripture, no Lord.  No Scripture, no Christ.  No Scripture, no salvation.”[i]  Faith in God through Jesus by the Spirit is
    salvation (Ro 10:9-10, Ac 16:31).
  6. The Word is the source of life (Dt 8:3; Mt 4:4; Ps 33:6,9).

The Difference Of The Bible From Other Religious Literature:

  1. The Bible:
    1. Everything God did took place publicly (Creation, fall, redemption, resurrection).
    2. God spoke through prophets, then acted publicly (Dt 18:18-22).
    3. The Bible is a record of God’s public actions in history culminating in redemption through Jesus.
  2. Other Religious Literature:
    1. Private dream or angelic encounter or idea about God.
    2. One person told and/or wrote down their dream, encounter, or idea about God.
    3. Book of Mormon, Koran, etc.

The Word From God… Transmission:

Dictation. God made the authors of the books write exactly what He wanted them to write.

Dynamic.  God gave the authors the thoughts which they put into words.

Plenary Verbal.  God used men, their personalities, and experiences to communicate what He wanted communicated (Written)… perfectly.

Other Important Terms:

Inerrant.  The original manuscripts contain no errors of any kind.

Infallible.  The Bible is completely reliable on all matters it addresses.

General Revelation.  God’s revelation of Himself to all men (Ro 1:19-20).

Special Revelation.  God’s special revelation to those who are His (Mt 16:15-17).

Hermeneutics.  The process of correctly interpreting the Bible (2 Tim 2:15).

Exegesis.  Getting the meaning of the Bible from the text and it’s context.

Eisegesis.  Using Scripture to prove a point (“Proof texting”) that may not be supported by the text OR a misapplication of the

To read the teaching notes, CLICK HERE.