NOTE: For the first time in my life I got out of bed… late at night… to write something God put on my heart. I don’t know when or where this message will be delivered yet, but God does. Until then I thought it worth posting here. Oh… I haven’t edited it to fix my contractions or other things I use when writing a manuscript, I just had to get it written down before I forgot it.
Trust God (Proverbs 3:5)
I got the idea for this message on 8/25/16 at 11:50 PM. For the first time I got up from bed & put my thoughts to paper. These came to me as I was having my bed time prayers… I had to write out what was in my mind… for the purpose of encouraging fellow believers. Now…
Has anyone but me ever been confused by life… what God was doing? Have you ever wondered how seemingly tragic events can be good? Ever been at a loss to u’stand why things happened the way they did rather than what you expected or planned?
I’m of the opinion that it is not only acceptable, but right to ask God why things happen as they do. Thus Ja 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom (U’standing), let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. I also believe God gives us good solid answers in Scripture. Consider 2 Peter 1:3-4…
His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life & godliness, thru the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory & excellence, 4 by which He has granted to us His precious & very great promises, so that thru them you may become partakers of the Divine nature…
If that’s not underlined in your Bible I’m taking back your VBS certificate! Notice GOD’S power has GIVEN every believer (!) ALL THINGS that pertain to life… LIFE. Daily living. Dealing w/ the unexpected, the unfathomable, the unusual, things that worry us & cause anxiety.
If you are a believer… God has given you everything you need for living each day to glorify Him & become more like Christ THRU the events that transpire in your life! HOW? His precious & VERY great promises (We’re going to look at some shortly). And the result of God’s great promises are….
We become partakers in the Divine Nature! In other words, God Himself (!) lives IN us! Did you hear that? GOD’S HOLY PERFECT NATURE RESIDES IN THE BELIEVER! Want to define miracle? God’s Divine nature residing in the believer is a TRUE miracle!
There’s a line in “How Firm A Foundation” where we sing, “How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent word! What more can He say than to you He hath said— To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?” (2 Pet 1:3?!). But I stray…
What is there for us in God’s Word… what is given in Scripture for difficult days? For when our cage is rattled… violently? When life seems to spiral out of control & we look for a knot at the end of our rope? Well… let’s look and think together.
First, two words: Believe God. Too simple? Try this: Trust God. Pr 3:5 “Trust in the Lord w/ all your heart, & do not lean on your own understanding.”
This may come as a surprise, but we’re not God. We don’t know everything. Most things we can’t control. We’re not all wise… all knowing… or all powerful. None of us. At the end of the day… more times than we admit… God is the ONLY one we have! As written in Heb 4:16…
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy & find grace to help in time of need.
Why are we told not to “lean on our own u’standing?” B/c mostly what we think is wrong. B/c we don’t know what is best in the eternal scheme. B/c we can’t make happen what needs to happen. B/c ONLY GOD can DO what is best, right, good, loving, & perfect ALL THE TIME, for everyone!
Since only GOD is “able to do exceeding & abundantly above all we ask or imagine” (Eph 3:20), there are things we need to drive deep into our heart as believers in uncertain times. As Jesus said to Peter in Jn 13:7, “What I am doing you do not u’stand now, but afterward you will u’stand.”
Ok. Peter didn’t u’stand at the moment what Jesus was doing… but we can! Turn to Ro 8:28…
And we know God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (What is the “good?” Keep reading) 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son… (NASB)
Don’t let that “P” word scare you. It has nothing to do w/ salvation but everything to do w/ sanctification! Those verses tell us: 1st, God is working on so many levels we can’t comprehend them. “All things” means EVERYTHING… not just the events in our life, but in EVERY event God works for believer’s good! W/out exception… every time… all the time! Believe God!!
Second, God does not leave our sanctification to chance. He WILLS it! There is absolutely NO chance the child of God will not become more & more & more like Jesus! Everything in life is part of God’s plan & is working to make us more like Jesus. And that is a good! Now turn to Phil 1:6…
I am sure of this, that he who began a good work IN you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Now 2:13) It is God who works IN you, both to will & to work for His good pleasure.
Phil 1:6 & 2:13 are further affirmation of Ro 8:29. THE best thing God does for us (After our salvation) is to conform us to the image of His Son… for His glory & our ultimate good! The “Good work” God began in us is our salvation… & is a process.[1] It is a process that WILL be completed… b/c that is GOD’S WILL for you… for HIS glory!
Did you notice the two little words, “IN YOU?” The most important thing to God about us isn’t what happens TO us but rather what is taking place IN US!! God uses the events that happen TO us to work IN us so that we become more like Jesus. God is always doing 3 things: 1) Glorifying His name… 2) Conforming us to Christ… And 3) Laying up treasures for us in heaven.
Now, I know I’ve thrown a lot at you so let me tie it up a little.
The purpose of a message is not to hear & forget, but to be ruminated & meditated on. Take your notes & outline this afternoon or sometime this week & think thru what you’ve heard… not from me, but the Holy Spirit. Go back and read the texts… in prayer ask God for revelation & u’standing.
Now this I know. That is a huge task b/c you’re busy… right? We are no different than those in Jesus day. Listen to Him from Mk 6:31, “Then, b/c so many people were coming & going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ‘Come w/ Me by yourselves to a quiet place & get some rest.’” (NIV)
When we are so busy we can’t spend time w/ God, we’re too busy. Being overly busy is not a trait to be admired… it is a lack of God centered discipline. The rest Jesus referred to was both physical & spiritual. W/out spiritual rest there is little physical rest. It is time for you to get alone w/ Jesus…
I leave you w/ two quotes. “Every event of life is God calling you to a closer walk w/ Him.”[2] And my favorite, “Just b/c we don’t see how something can be good doesn’t mean it isn’t good!”[3]
If you are a believer, know You Can Trust God. You Can Believe God. I can testify to those two things. Get away w/ Him by yourself… As Jesus said in John 14:26-27…
The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things & bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave w/ you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
Last… If you’re not a Christian, can I suggest you aren’t here by accident? God brought you here to show you HE is the answer to all the confusion you’ve been dealing with. He brought you here to hear this: Jesus lived, died, & was resurrected to offer you salvation. If you will repent of your sin by believing on the name of the Lord Jesus, you will be saved (Ac 16:31).
[1] Eph 2:8; Acts 15:11; 1 Cor 1:18, 15:2, & 2 Cor 2:15.
[2] Larry Crabb
[3] Tim Keller
Jesus was excited to ascend after forty days because He had this gift to leave behind. The gift was the Holy Spirit. I read a paragraph out of “The Holy Spirit was given to live inside of those who believe in Jesus…” Ron, I love the way you brought that to our attention in your study/sermon. Continuing: “in order to produce GOD’s CHARACTER (my all caps) in the life of a believer. In a way we cannot do on our own, the Holy Spirit will BUILD into our lives love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.”
This next sentence is so profound to me. I have spent my life wanting to BE a good person, a good Christian and failing miserably. I lived a life trying to not worry, trying to BE the Fruit of the Spirit not HAVE the Fruit of the Spirit.
“Rather than trying to Be loving, patient and kind, God asks us to rely on Him to PRODUCE these qualities in our lives. Thus Christians are TOLD to walk in The Spirit and to be filled with The Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 2:9-14, John 14:26, John 16:13, Galatians 5:22-23, Galatians 5:25
Thanks Ron for reminding us that the Holy Spirit is in us! “For it is God which works IN us both to will and to do His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:13 “Hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been GIVEN to us.” Romans 5:5
I like the insight of “God’s character.” Good thought. Blessings
Encouraging Word!
Excellent thoughts and much needed at this time. I will keep this midnight message for reference and further study, Br. Ron, and appreciate you sharing the words the Lord placed on your heart for all of us.