ClockThe start of the day sets the tone for the rest of the day. Here are a few suggestions that take just a little discipline:

Upon your first waking thought, praise God for sustaining your life through the night (He could have taken you home, but He didn’t. If there’s ANYTHING to be disappointed about it is that you’re still here instead of with Jesus!).

Stay in bed for a few minutes saying (Or singing!) to yourself, “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad (!) in it” (Ps 118:24).

Make yourself smile. That’s right… MAKE yourself smile! After all, you are saved by the blood of Jesus. Your name is written down in heaven. There is no condemnation for you in Jesus (Ro 8:1). Smile because you are a child of The King!

Wake everyone else in the house up by cranking up your Bose Sound System with your favorite upbeat praise and worship music! SING!! PRAISE!! WORSHIP GOD!!

On your way to work, put in another set of favorite worship and praise songs. Don’t worry about what you will run into at work… instead prepare yourself to meet it for God’s glory!

I promise you this will change your day. This will stay with you all day… for God’s glory.