The Bible is a big book with many details. Mastering it takes a lifetime. So here is a list of some key chapters in Scripture. These chapters are important for many reasons. Some are turning points in redemptive history while others are key for understanding doctrine and the Christian life. A list like this is subjective (yours would be different), but here are a few I’d suggest reflecting on. Before you embark on your journey… read THIS SCRIPTURE FIRST.
Genesis 1-2, Creation
Genesis 3, The Fall
Genesis 9, God’s Covenant with Noah
Genesis 12, God’s promise to Abraham
Exodus 20, The Ten Commandments
2 Samuel 7, God’s Covenant with David
Jeremiah 31, The Promise of the New Covenant
Matthew 5-7, The Sermon on the Mount
John 1 and Hebrews 1, The Deity of Christ
Luke 2, The Birth of Jesus
John 17, Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer
Matthew 28, Resurrection, Great Commission
Acts 2, Pentecost
1 Corinthians 13, Love
1 Corinthians 15, The Resurrection
Romans 9-10, The Universal Call To Salvation
Colossians 3, The Christian Life
1 Timothy 3; Titus 1, Qualifications for Pastors & Deacons
Revelation 21, The New Heavens & New Earth