First, consider Romans 8:16-17…
The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
Reflections For Meditation (Think on these things yourself. Drive them deep into your soul)
V 16. The Holy Spirit is the source of a specific blessing. Not us. Not our knowledge. Not our doctrine. Not the world.
V 16. The Spirit communes with our spirit (Somehow in the mystery of God). He speaks, encourages, helps, strengthens, assures the inner being of every Christian.
V 16. “THAT.” He has a specific function, ministry, purpose in communing with each believer…
V 16. “We ARE children of God.” The assurance of salvation! THAT we are saved. The way you experience this is in your soul. By what you think. You will find yourself unexpectedly thinking about God, Scripture, Heaven, voicing prayer, singing hymns or choruses. Those things do NOT come from you… they are the work of the Holy Spirit “bearing witness with your spirit.”
V 17. An heir receives whatever their elder leaves to them when they pass. As heirs of GOD… who never dies… we receive all HE has. Meditate on that… “All that HE has.” For how long? Not until we die like on earth, but forever as we live WITH God!
V 17. “Fellow heirs with Christ.” God said about Jesus, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” That thought is transferred to every Christian. God NEVER looks at you with disappointment. Why? Because you are in Christ. The way God looks at Jesus is the way He looks at you… for all eternity.
V 17. God’s Caveat. A Caveat is… “An explanation or warning that should be remembered.” Thus all that has been mentioned above is conditional upon the next phrase…
V 17. “Provided we suffer with him…” Focus on the words, “With him.”
1. It is possible to be a Christian and suffer WITHOUT Christ.
2. Suffering without Christ means to do so on your own. Without Scripture. Without prayer. Without Christian meditation. Without worshiping God.
3. Suffering WITH Christ means to do so: As Christ did… relying on God; By seeking God through prayer; Reflecting on Scripture; Singing hymns and spiritual songs in your heart; Trusting your circumstances, life, and future to be in God’s hands.
V 17. ‘THAT.” Suffering with Christ has a benefit that is unimaginable. A blessing, a reward for casting your all on Him…
V 17. “We may be ALSO glorified with Him.” The benefit of suffering WITH Christ is being glorified, in heaven, forever, with the same glory Jesus has! NOT that we are worshiped or take his place, but that we are blessed with the supreme blessing of HIS purity, holiness, joy, etc… etc… etc.
As you reflect on these things, be encouraged in your trials. Suffer “WITH Christ” rather than without Him. Rather than thinking so much on this life now, set your mind on heaven… things above… where Christ is seated at the right hand of God (CLICK HERE)