My Wife’s First Marriage

On November 10, 1984… in Birmingham, Alabama… at West End Baptist Church… Pamela Jo Britton and I… along with many family and friends… gave glory to God in a worship service (A.K.A. getting married).  That was 27 years ago at 7:00 PM...

Son’s First Sermon (Britton)

Below is a picture of our third child, and second son (Britton), when he dilvered his first sermon recently at Huffman Baptist Church.  I can’t believe that just “a few days ago” he was a toddler… starting school… struggling through his...

Daughter’s First House! (Amy)

My first born and daughter Amy will be getting married March 31, 2012… God willing.  She and and her future husband (Austin) took the housing plunge recently.  I am so proud of and for them… they bring great joy into the Ethridge family.  Below is a piccy...

Son’s First College Basketball Game (Trey)

My oldest son and middle child, Trey, is on Boyce College’s basketball team.  Boyce College is the undergraduate school of Southern Seminary.  Trey is on the back row… middle (4th from the left).  As my youngest son often says… BOOM!  Click here for...

Hard Family Discussions

Recently Al Mohler wrote about the potential name change of the Southern Baptist Convention.  But this post isn’t about the discussion regarding changing the name of my beloved denomination.  Instead I want to focus on the last few things Dr. Mohler wrote that...