by Ron Ethridge | Church, Prayer
When something is important to us, we think about it constantly. Not only do we think constantly about these things, but we talk about them. These can be people and/or situations. Mt 6:21 Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Mt 12:34 Out of the...
by Ron Ethridge | Christian Living, Church, Church Difficulties, Current Issues, Ethics, Holidays, Pastoral Ministry
Martin Luther King Day and Race in a Birmingham Congregation On purpose I didn’t post this on Martin Luther King Day. I post it now because the holiday brought to memory an event when I was pastor of a congregation in Birmingham, Alabama a few years ago (Writing this...
by Ron Ethridge | Church, Pastoral Ministry
Over the years I have talked to many congregations about being their pastor. Most of them have asked me to answer a number of questions in a written survey format (Which I don’t mind doing). At the same time there are questions that need to be asked of the...
by Ron Ethridge | Church, Church Difficulties
Too often pastors leave congregations in adverse circumstances. Congregational leaders are always convinced they did the right thing in pressuring him to resign (NOTE: It is possible to do the right thing in the wrong way). The pastor is always sure he was...
by Ron Ethridge | Christian Living, Church, Reflections
Who can and can’t… should or shouldn’t… partake in the Lord’s Supper? Only members of a specific congregation… only members of a specific denomination… only members of the Universal Church… only those who are...