by Ron Ethridge | Christian Living, Reflections, Theology
In 29 years as a pastor/minister I have had several people tell me they have had visions. I’ve had more tell me “God told them” an assortment of things most of which were vague at best. Only a few times have people said they heard God’s voice. There are a number of...
by Ron Ethridge | Reflections
These passages are for reflection leading up to Resurrection Sunday (AKA, Easter). Jesus’ triumphant entry to Jerusalem (John 12:12-19) Washing Feet (John 13:1-15) Betrayed By A Friend (Mt 26:21-25) Bread and fruit of the vine, no lamb (Mt 26:26-30) Singing before...
by Ron Ethridge | Christian Living, Church, Reflections
Who can and can’t… should or shouldn’t… partake in the Lord’s Supper? Only members of a specific congregation… only members of a specific denomination… only members of the Universal Church… only those who are...
by Ron Ethridge | Christian Living, Faith, Reflections, Suffering, Theology
This is what I call an oral manuscript. It is designed to keep me on task (Not chase rabbits) and not to be word for word what is delivered. I pray you are encouraged… Secret Conversations In Heaven In eternity past God the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit existed...
by Ron Ethridge | Christian Living, Discipleship, Reflections
This title seems to be contradictory doesn’t it? Being “delivered” implies safety and protection, while “disappointed” implies still a desire to be what the person was delivered from. Contradictory? Yes. Make sense? Well… in a way,...
by Ron Ethridge | Christian Living, Discipleship, Reflections
Popeye had a saying that was surprisingly Biblical. He said, “I yam what I yam.” Translation, “I am what I am.” The Biblical reference… 1 Corinthians 15:10, “By the grace of God I am what I am…” Now let’s think for...