by Ron Ethridge | Christian Living, Church, Church Difficulties, Current Issues, Ethics, Holidays, Pastoral Ministry
Martin Luther King Day and Race in a Birmingham Congregation On purpose I didn’t post this on Martin Luther King Day. I post it now because the holiday brought to memory an event when I was pastor of a congregation in Birmingham, Alabama a few years ago (Writing this...
by Ron Ethridge | Church, Ethics
The single most important thing a preacher does… and is called by God to do… is preach The Word. Every Sunday God charges him to step behind the sacred desk and deliver a word to that particular congregation. In doing this, the preacher is to: 1) Glorify...
by Ron Ethridge | Ethics, Morality, Pastoral Ministry
For a while I’ve interacted with ministers who suffer due to being mistreated by church members. But, some ministers rebel and should be disciplined (Fired) by a congregation. As I have written about the wrong of hurtful church members, I am much more appalled...
by Ron Ethridge | Church, Church Difficulties, Current Issues, Ethics
My son Britton sent this picture to me and it got me thinking… Often people, even in churches, think that just because someone disagrees with them or believes something different than they do, they somehow become an enemy. Rather than continue to show grace,...
by Ron Ethridge | Ethics, Family, Forgiveness
This was written by Tullian Tchividjian who is pastor of Coral Ridge P.C.A. Our church was recently hit with a high-ranking moral tragedy. It was discovered that a staff member (and close friend) was engaging in marital infidelity. I was both shocked and saddened. I...
by Ron Ethridge | Christian Living, Discipleship, Ethics, Theology
In 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a Paul describes love. Note closely he doesn’t write to BE loving, but rather love IS… Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or...