Imagine those in the Scripture who probably dealt with regrets… Adam for eating the forbidden fruit, Cane for killing Able, All those who didn’t heed Noah’s warning about the flood, David regarding adultery with Bathsheba and killing her husband, Jonah for not following God’s call when first given, Judas for betraying Jesus, Peter for denying Jesus three times, Paul who arrested and killed Christians, The Rich Young Ruler for turning away from Jesus, the Thief on the cross (When at first he cursed Jesus)… and the list could go on.
Regrets can last for decades (David?) to centuries (Adam) to eternity (Judas) to moments (Thief on the Cross). Yet those are only thought experiments. They don’t really get to the heart of the matter. They aren’t personal. Thus the rest of this post.
I doubt there is a person alive who… if they are honest with themselves and God… do not have regrets. Maybe from their time in High School, College, Marriage, as a parent, or some other situation. It doesn’t take much to remember things which I regret doing or not doing. In my experience, regrets can be anything from a bother to a millstone around the neck. Consider…
Truth: As Christians, the internal battle over regrets really was dealt with on the cross!
Truth: As Christians, all the things we did (Which we regret) were taken on by Jesus and God punished Him for them.
Truth: Because Jesus was punished for our sin (Our regrets), God has removed them from us as far as the East is from the West and remembers them no more!
Truth: Because of the points above, any/all regrets a Christian has is to be dealt with head on in the following ways:
- Cast the anxiety of the regret to Jesus through prayer, confession, and repentance.
- Meditate on the love of God toward you in spite of your past conduct and actions.
- Meditate that God is for you, not against you.
- Meditate on the truth that the Holy Spirit and Jesus both pray for you constantly.
- Meditate on the truth that NOTHING can separate you from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus.
Sure, it takes a little work… reading Scripture and ruminating on it in your mind, but which is better? Embracing God’s Truth or continuing to beat yourself up over things you regret? After all Jesus said…
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (Jn 16:33)
(Note: I briefly dealt with regrets once before HERE)