It is no accident that the Book of Exodus is before the Book of Leviticus in the Bible. Why? Because that shows us that deliverance (Salvation) comes before obedience. Deliverance is not contingent upon obedience… it is because of deliverance that obedience is a joy… an honor… an expression of love and appreciation for being delivered!
Exodus 19:4 You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. 5 Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples… (ESV)
God says in essence… “I delivered you, therefore obey.” That is significant! God did not say, “Obey and I will deliver you.” So why do we try to reverse what God set in place? It is because our fallen human heart believes that to please God we must obey Him. OR we think that in order to get things (Blessings) from God we must take the approach of an employee/employer relationship. We think that if we obey and do good things for Him that somehow God owes us. That is not the case!
If we would accept that we can’t do anything to make God love us more or less than He does right now, we would be freed to serve out of love and gratitude rather than duty and law. Remember Exodus is before Leviticus.
Judgment is already over. Remember, Exodus is before Leviticus.
The future is full of hope. Remember, Exodus is before Leviticus.
Prayer is not a chore, it is precious. Remember, Exodus is before Leviticus.
Life is not to be hard, it is to be enjoyed. Remember, Exodus is before Leviticus.
Tithing is not a burden, it is a priviledge. Remember, Exodus is before Leviticus.
Evangelism is not to be feared, it is a joy. Remember, Exodus is before Leviticus.
Serving is not an imposition, it is exciting. Remember, Exodus is before Leviticus.
Worship is not to be endured, it is exhilerating. Remember, Exodus is before Leviticus.
Bible study isn’t a waste of time, it is an investment in eternity. Remember, Exodus is before Leviticus.
Jesus said “I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly” because Exodus is before Leviticus!
I love this!! Especially the part about Prayer is NOT a chore and Worship IS exhilarating. I used to think prayer could only happen with your eyes closed, on your knees at bedtime. I have discovered all sorts of ways to pray. Some of my most precious times with the Lord are praying in my car during the 40 mile round trip to work everyday. It’s not only prayer but, WORSHIP!! ….and it is exhilarating!! Thanks for the reminders!!