TRUTH: God doesn’t ride the backs of donkeys (Democrats) or elephants (Republicans). He is not bound to any political party or agenda other than His own.
I wonder if I’m the only one who is sick and tired of all Fox News, CNN, CNBC (etc) arguments and debates taking place along with name and character assassination of anyone who disagrees with them? Let me go a step further. I’m sick of people saying the election results are America’s doom. Really? Do we really think what we do has THAT MUCH effect on God’s plan and will? But let me go further! I’ve been watching these critical attitudes making their way into local congregations. That is what most troubles me.
LISTEN! When Christian whine, gripe, cry, and fear the collapse of society if not the universe… that is the WORST testimony they can give! Christ is our hope. The same is true when believers, because of their political persuasion, attack those who disagree with them. Jesus is our peace! He is our joy! He is our hope! I think a now dead guy once wrote, “I have learned WHATEVER circumstances I am in to be content” (“Whatever?!” And just for a moment reflect on what kind of government was in power when he wrote that. It was the one that eventually cut his head off… yet he said PRAY for them, not PROTEST them!!!). If we are upset and/or emotionally coming apart then that is THE worst testimony a believer can present to a dying world about Christ. As believers we are better than that!
Also, I’m grieved over all the vitriol spewing in every direction who may call themselves believers (Probably in worship on Sunday!). Don’t we know the Adversary is using liberal and conservative Christian’s venom toward each other as a way to cause people to stumble away from the cross?
Consider for those of us who are Christians…
1 Tim 2:1 I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior… 8 I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling…
2 Tim 2:23 Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. 24 And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone…
PSA announcement now over…
I agree with you on all your points EXCEPT your assertion that this phenomenon of “watching these critical attitudes making there way into our congregations”, as though this is something new in the church or, something that has escalated in the last 6 months. For the last 9 years there’s been a “bashing” going on about OUR exPresident every Sunday in Southern Baptist churches. Half of the Sunday school class time and most of the conversations were laced with “anti” rhetoric. The truly sad part is you would sporadically here it from the pulpit with a man’s opinion overriding The Gospel narrative. Deny it if you will but that has been my experience and not in just one church. I applaud you for writing this article and reaching out to correct the course we are sailing but this correction is only going to settled when we are truly “washed clean by The Blood of The Lamb”. Are we man centered or are we God centered ?…….thank you Ron for challenging me, God bless .
Thank you Robert, but my thoughts weren’t about political criticism moving into the church. In my mind it is about the critical spirit that is growing in congregations in general.
People gossip more than they used to. They criticize ministers quicker than in the past. Seems like the spirit of criticism is growing like cancer. There are also too many ministers who bash church members and other congregations in private. The Church is about spreading the Gospel, not slandering others (Political or otherwise).
I guess Jesus saying we would be held accountable for EVERY careless word we speak presses in on me more the older I get. Blessings
Bless you my friend.
My Brother, you are a true blessing . I truly believe that we don’t know the eternal value of a pin head speck of Jesus’ blood otherwise, we would be a different people, and I’m not talking about being a more “moral” people. Being critical, hence criticism , might in the majority of cases be motivated by the reflection of our own shortcomings and inadequacies. The fact being, at times it’s hard to accept who we really are and “like” ourselves. That’s why it is sooooo important to keep our eyes on Jesus , live our lives “in Jesus”, and understand and have faith in “it’s ALL about Jesus”. Fight the good fight Brother…….