I’m sure you know the story behind this great hymn of the faith. It was written by a man after he found out his family had been lost as they ship they were traveling in to Europe sank and his familyl was killed. That give added meaning to “When sorrows like sea billows roll…” And much more weight to the words… “It is well with my soul.”
God is our peace. God is our hope. God is our strength. God is our life. God is our joy. When sea billows roll and crash over the bow of our ship the fact does not change that He is seated on His throne (Isaiah 6). Because God is love, good, in control, and just. Because all God’s ways are perfect, He is trustworthy, and does not change… we can rejoice in every and all circumstances as we keep a strong heaven theology! YOU can rejoice because through the blood of Jesus you are seated with Christ in glory (Ephesians 2:6).
Below is “It Is Well With My Soul” as performed by 4 Him. After that is another rendition of the song by Wintley Phipps that is a blessing. May you sing this hymn today as you reflect upon God’s beauty…