To turn a phrase, you get who you vote for. Obama’s stance against human life (Abortion) was well known before being elected President. But the majority of Americans didn’t care… they let other matters trump protecting human life.
Obama plans to rescind the “conscience rule,” that protects healthcare workers from losing their jobs when they “refuse to participate in care they feel violates their personal, moral or religious beliefs.” The rule protects those who do not want to participate in “treatments” that destroy unborn human life.
The Washington Post reports there may be protection for workers who do not want to participate in abortion. But the problem is how abortion is defined. There are drugs that prevent unborn babies in early development from implanting in the womb. Pro-choice advocates regard this as “birth control.” Pro-life advocates calls it abortion. Health care workers do not want their employment threatened for refusing to give medication destroys human life.
Somehow, in some way, pro-choice individuals actually believe they are doing the right thing. They really do believe they are anything but wrong. Because of that thought I couldn’t help but remember what is written in Isaiah 5:20…
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Obama is living up to his record as the most pro-abortion politician to ever be president. This is just the latest example of what we knew about him before he was elected. May God have mercy on us…