Sadly, a loved and dear 1977 graduate of Huffman High School passed away this week. The graveside will be Saturday January 20, 2018 in Cullman, Alabama at 1:00 PM. Many who would like to attend won’t be able, so Fuzzy’s brother Gary has given permission for the service to be made public here. Hopefully some will be encouraged and comforted and find cause to pray for the family. This is the guide to be used at the graveside.
Jerry “Fuzzy” DeLoach (January 20, 2018)
Pastoral Introduction:
Jerry “Ragu” Alfano and his brother Gary remember Fuzzy…
Note: Encourage people to share Fuzzy stories with the family. Laugh and cry together! It will help them heal…
Emily Deloach Feller sings “His Eye Is On The Sparrow”
Pastoral Comments:
God has given us laughter, tears, and music to help us heal.
First, I have been given assurance by Gary that Fuzzy trusted Jesus as his Savior. This, above all things, is a great comfort. Nothing is more important than being known by Jesus. (Pause) Now for some words of encouragement…
A few days ago Fuzzy left this world, but he was not alone. In Luke 16:22 we’re told a beggar died, seemingly alone, outside a rich man’s gate. Then it is written “The angels carried Lazarus to Abraham’s bosom.” From this we know when believers die they are ushered into God’s presence by at least two of God’s messengers. So Fuzzy was not alone when his earthly days ended! As David wrote in Psalm 23:4, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will not fear for You are with me…”
In a moment, his sight changed from earthly to eternal. Then Angels took Fuzzy’s hands and ushered him into God’s presence. Then, we know from Psalm 116:15, God was glad to see Fuzzy! As is written “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” (PAUSE… Transition)
Mercy & Grace. In God’s eyes, we’re all sinners needing salvation. He sees everyone the same whether it is Billy Graham, the thief on the cross, me, you, or Fuzzy. God is NOT fair… He is merciful! If God were fair, at our first breath we’d be cast into hell. But God is merciful. God showed Fuzzy mercy because he trusted Christ.
It’s the same for us! Apart from Christ there is no hope. Apart from Christ there is only condemnation. But by trusting Christ, God shows mercy and forgiveness… just as He did Fuzzy.
Grace. Grace and mercy complement each other. Grace is God giving what is NOT deserved. Grace is God’s favor IN SPITE OF being sinners. Instead of God giving what is DESERVED, for all who believe, THIS is true… “By GRACE we are saved…” (Ephesians 2:8-10).
On the cross Jesus took God’s ETERNAL wrath toward all who believe! Including Fuzzy. For three hours on the cross, Jesus took God’s ETERNAL wrath that Fuzzy deserved. Not only Fuzzy… but me. Not only me… but everyone here who believes. Not only us… but everyone who has ever believed! In just 3 HOURS Jesus paid God’s eternal wrath!
Because of what Jesus did on the cross, everyone who believes takes on Jesus’ righteous perfection! You see, a forgiven sinner is STILL a sinner that can’t enter God’s presence! But in Christ all who believe are given Jesus’ righteous and thus can enter God’s presence and spend eternity with Him.
Right now Fuzzy is celebrating, rejoicing, & praising God. He has a new name (Revelation 2:17)… a crown (2 Timothy 4:8)… a new body (1 Corinthians 15:42-44). And one day all who believe will see Jesus… then Fuzzy.
My prayer is that Jesus knows you (Matthew 7:23). That you experience God’s Mercy & Grace in Christ. That when you draw your last breath you too will be escorted by Angels into God’s presence. Trust Christ today for none of us are promised another second of life.
Closing Prayer…