Dr. Lewis Drummond made a comment in a class I took at Beeson Divinity School regarding the Gospel being preached to the whole world and the return of Christ (Matthew 24:14). It is worth pondering. Here is a synopsis of what he said…
“The center of God’s work in the church began in Jerusalem after Jesus ascended to heaven. Then through persecution, Paul’s missionary endeavors, and the passing of time… the center of God’s activity moved from Jerusalem to parts of Asia before migrating to Europe and in the last century or so to America. But it seems that the center of God’s activity is no longer in America but South America, Africa, and Korea. It seems that the only places left where the center of God’s work has not exploded is what is called the 10/40 window (Comment: The Muslim Countries). Once the 10/40 window has come under the influence of the Gospel, God will have centered his work throughout the world and the return of Christ will occur.”
I’ve contemplated that often since I heard Dr. Drummond suggest this thought… and he could be right! Now there are a couple of implications to seem to follow that I’ve been considering. I’d like for you to consider them also.
1. The return of Christ could be still a long way off in our manner of measuring time. This flies in the face of some on TV who point to the strife of the Middle East as Christ’s return being in the next couple of years.
2. There is a great need for Christian missionaries to go to the areas where the Gospel is not welcome… the 10/40 window… the Muslim countries. And that would mean a call for believers to die so that the lost come to know Chirst.
3. The “Great falling away” (2 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV) could describe all the places which have been the center of God’s activity which no longer honor Him. A falling away is a perfect description of what happens when God leaves one part of the world and works in another. This certianly seems to describe what has happened in Europe and the path America is on.
4. It could be that the Gospel’s influence concludes where it began… in Jerusalem! THAT would be a completion of great significance which would culminate in Jesus’ return “Just as you’ve seen Him leave” (Acts 1:11).
I had the honor of taking Dr. T.W. Hunt (“Prayer Life,” “From Heaven’s View”) for a two hour drive to the airport after him speaking where I pastored a few years ago. I consider him one of the godliest and greatest prayer warriors of our generation. I asked him when he thought the return of Christ would be. His answer was, “I won’t see it. You might. But certainly within the next 70 years.” That was five years ago. IF he is right (He might not be), Jesus is just one generation away from coming back in glory.
Truth is, none of us know when Christ will return. However, it is a good practice and exercise to think about and contemplate His return. That will make us better Christians… better stewards of what we have been entrusted with (The Gospel)… and expectant (Looking for) of our Savior’s return.
Whether Jesus return today… not for another 65 years (T.W. Hunt)… or not for another 1,000 years, we need to live for Christ and His glory!
Are we ready?
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!
When was this particular article written?
I wrote this post in 2006. Dr Drummond taught this concept in a D.Min. class I was in at Beeson Divinity School of Samford University.