When a man who has lost everything leans across the table and whispers, “I’ve learned the secrets to contentment,” we listen. Although consumerism delights in stirring up dissatisfaction, the memories we cherish most are the ones where we felt a settled satisfaction: This is good; this is enough.
We hunger for contentment because most of the situations we find ourselves in contain either small or gigantic pockets of disappointment. If we are not careful, we think that contentment is only for the future. When this happens, I will be content. When we banish contentment to the future, it disappears.
Paul felt the pull of discontent, but he overcame it. One of the main secrets he shared with the Philippians was to stop trying to fix problems by worrying and instead to deepen their connection to God by surrendering their requests to Him. Second, he encouraged them to practice gratitude by meditating on things that were good, true, and praiseworthy. God longs to give you a deep peace and satisfaction today, regardless of your circumstances.
(David Jeremiah)
This is a good meditation to keep handy for times of discouragement!