It is written in Luke 14:34-35 that Jesus said the following…
Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? 35 It is of no use either for the soil or for the manure pile. It is thrown away. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Wow! It hit me this week that those who claim Christ as savior… and do not engage the world with the Gospel… are WORSE than manure. Think about that… WORSE THAN MANURE!! (BIG PAUSE HERE).
Jesus is saying that manure at least has some redeeming properties… it can be used for fertilizer. But salt that is no longer salty is so useless that if it is placed on manure… it messes up the manure!! No pun intended…
Note: Now Follows A Time Of Self Examination.
Question: Am I… as a follower of Christ… building God’s Kingdom by the way I live?
Question: Am I… as a follower of Christ… diligently working toward becoming more like Him in all things?
Question: Am I… as a follower of Christ… being a faithful witness about Jesus to those in my sphere of influence?
Question: Am I… as a follower of Christ… spending time reading Scripture (Hearing from God) and in prayer (Talking to God) and in private worship of God?
Question: Am I… as a follower of Christ… regularly involved in worshiping God with His people in a corporate setting?
If those things are not a part of my life… as a desire and passion of my heart… what does that say about my faith in terms of what Jesus said in Luke 14:34-35? What does it say about you…?
Good one! I’m so glad I still have things to work on. This life with Him is the most AWESOME journey. And, as you shared, can be so funny too! Thanks!