It is possible to be a Christian and NOT pray much, or very often. In fact… it’s possible to lead worship, preach, teach the Bible, witness, and do many Christian things without prayer. I know… I’ve done it (I’m sad to admit).
While it is possible to do those things without prayer, that doesn’t mean God is as honored or the person blessed as when they are supported by (Get that? Supported BY…) prayer. I’ve found that when prayer is NOT a vital part of the Christian’s life, here’s what happens (These are just a few)…
They pressure themselves to perform their task perfectly…
They pressure others to perfrom their tasks perfectly…
They are stressed to make sure to dot every “i” and cross every “t”…
They rely heavily on their own wisdom, strength, knowledge, creativity, and personality…
If something goes wrong they blow up and/or get angry at whoever failed (P.C., sorry)…
They are virtually maniacal about being the top dog in everything and being in charge…
They live a pressured and stressed filled life holding themselves and others to exceedingly high expectations…
Prayer its self becomes prefunctory rather than a joy…
They live by numbers… the bottom line… quotas… and are “success/effectiveness” driven.
When prayer is a vital part of a Christian’s life, here’s what happens (Each corresponds with the above)…
They pray for others often as they seek to perform their tasks…
Their prayer for others leads them to be a help and encouragement to all people…
They do their best, but leave the outcome in God’s hand…
They rely upon God and His Spirit rather than themselves…
They understand unforeseen mistakes as in God’s control…
They are servants before they are CEOs…
They are at peace in all circumstances because they trust their God whom they know through prayer…
They know numbers are indicators, but obedience is the standard for success.
Last… those who pray faithfully, passionately, and often have a very low stress level because they have spent time at the foot of God’s throne in prayer.
I have experience in both ways of ministering… in my own strength and through prayer. My personal opinion is that the second is much better than the first… by a ga-zillion miles. It is NOT a waste of time to trade study and practice time for prayer. It is wise to spend time praying for people… even though they may not be personally aware of your prayer. After all… God can do more in 5 minutes in answer to hours of prayer than 1,000 people working for months organizing, promoting, and putting on an event without prayer!
Prayer may not be necessary…but I could not function without it! It is the way by which I hear God’s voice as I study scripture and seek Him. Your insights are so “on target”! To God be all glory and praise, my brother!