In Psalm 34:1-3 it is written,
I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together. (NIV)
It is a rare thing for those who are afflicted to desire, or be able to, rejoice. The two seem to be mutually exclusive, but only for those who have yet to embrace the range of reasons and times to rejoice.
Note that praise and worship are in the context of God’s worthiness to be praised and worshiped. This reality is not effected by human situations and circumstances. Regardless of what happens on earth, God is still on His throne and worthy to be praised. Even in the darkest of days, when God is the love and joy of the heart, there will always be a reason to extol Him. David exemplified this when after his child died he went to God’s House and worshiped (2 Sam 12:19-23).
Then notice glorifying and exalting God… in affliction… is in the context of community, with God’s people. Whether worship takes place on Sunday, Saturday, or another day of the week doesn’t matter (Ro 14:6). What does matter is worshiping with other believers on a regular basis.
The obvious encouragement from Psalm 34 is to worship, praise, and glorify God at all times because of who He is. And to do those things in the context of the Christian community.