Every year Christmas comes and goes.  And each year people miss out on the joy of Christmas.  This is no different from what happened when Jesus was born.  Consider the following people who missed the first Christmas…

 The Inn Keeper (Luke 2:7)

He had no knowledge of the great event he would miss on this special night.  No midwives, no family, no friends.  Mary was probably all alone.  Joseph, a first time father, was there with his wife.  SHE gave birth, SHE wrapped him in swaddling clothes, SHE laid him in a manger.  Like millions today, the Inn Keeper missed Christmas because he was preoccupied (2:1-6).

Joseph’s Family (Luke 2:1-5)

Remember the reason why Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem.  It was because they had to return to the city of their birth… where their family lived.  That means Joseph had family in Bethlehem.  You’d think his own family would have welcomed the young couple… but they apparently didn’t.  As a result of not giving Joseph and Mary a place to stay they missed the Messiah’s birth… they missed the first Christmas!

Herod (Matthew 2:1-8)

He was not ignorant, he had full knowledge of the events taking place on some level, but he was jealous & maybe fearful of the birth of a king (2:3).  He didn’t want competition for his throne & was ruthless in his protection of power.  Herod killed two sons for plotting against him to take the throne.  He had a distinguished citizen killed when he died so there would be weeping.  Had baby boys age 2 & under killed in an attempt to kill the Messiah.  People miss Christmas because of attempts to protect their own life’s goals (Luke 19:14).

Religious Leaders (Matthew 2:4-6)

The Pharisees KNEW!  Yet they were indifferent.  They were self sufficient and in need of nothing in their mind.  They knew the prophesies about the Messiah… yet chose to ignore them.  Many today have intellectual knowledge, but see no need to honor Christ.

The People Of Jerusalem (Luke 2:15-16)

Of all the people in the area, only the shepherds of Bethlehem worshipped Christ.  The entire city missed the birth of the Messiah!  Many people are never even told of Christ & thus miss Christmas.  Some people are within a stone’s throw of a church where God’s people meet every Sunday and yet they never hear the Gospel.  Should we not proclaim the wonderful news of Christ’s birth to all men that God has placed in our lives?