While in seminary I asked Dr. T.W. Hunt this question… “What is your view of prayer and God’s will?” This was his answer…
All genuine prayer begins with God who places his will as a burden on the heart of a believer to pray. Since the Christian does not know how to pray as he should, the Holy Spirit intercedes with groanings too deep for words, according to the will of God. Since the believer has no right to approach God’s throne on their own merits, they pray in Jesus’ name. As a result, each member of the Trinity is involved in all genuine prayer which returns to God with whom it originated where it is always answered in the affirmative. That is my view of prayer and God’s will.
I looked for his comment on my blog from the past, but couldn’t find it. So I’ve posted it again. By the way… Dr. Hunt wrote: Prayer Life, The Mind of Christ, and From Heaven’s View.
I attended his Bible studies on The Mind of Christ and Prayer Life. Both excellent studies!