Have you ever considered the idea that there are some things we pray for that God has ALREADY given us? Have you thought about the fact that there are times that God answers our prayer requests BEFORE we submit them to Him?
Reflect for a moment upon two passages of Scripture. 2 Peter 1:3 “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness…” Isaiah 65:24 “Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking, I will hear…”
Reflections on 2 Peter 1:3a. If this passages is correct (And it is), THEN…
I don’t need to ask God for grace, it’s already been given. What I need to ask is for God to help me exercise the grace He’s already given me.
I don’t need to ask God for patience, it’s already been given. What I need to ask is for God to help me apply the patience I already have.
I don’t need to ask God to increase my faith, He’s already given me faith. I need to ask God to help me exercise the faith I already have (The amount isn’t important since even a mustard seed’s worth is powerful!).
I don’t need to ask God to give me more wisdom, it’s already been given. I need to ask God to help me apply the wisdom He’s already granted me.
I don’t need to ask God to make me merciful, He’s already planted it in me. I need to ask God to help me work out the mercy I already have.
I don’t need to ask God for strength, His Spirit in me is all the strength I need. I need to ask God to help me rely upon the strength that already resides in me because of His presence in my life.
Reminder! This does NOT mean we don’t pray… it means that we properly direct our prayers to be consistent with His Word… His gifts… and His presence in our lives!
Reflections on Isaiah 65:24. If this passage is correct (And it is), THEN…
I should have confidence that God can answer prayers retroactively (What? Think about it!). If He answers prayers BEFORE they are prayed, that is retroactive from the chronological time when I prayed. After all… God exists outside time. If you think about this too long your brain will overheat!
I should be at peace at all times knowing God is anxiously ready to hear me when I pray.
I should be free from worry since there is no doubt God hears me when I pray.
I should be joyful because God is answering prayers as I pray them. Aside… God is at work on an infinite number of levels in an infinite number of lives that all flow together in His time to culminate in our prayer being answered.
I should be bold when I pray because of the promises of Isaiah 65:24.
I should be constantly looking for answers to my prayers because God is always answering the prayers of those who cry out to Him!
The God who answers prayer is powerful! His power is so great we can’t comprehend it (Read Ephesians 3:20)! Take a little time today and reflect on the power of our God who answers prayer!