If you read yesterday’s post, this IS the same picture. But this time look at the young man standing with Pam and I. This is our son Britton. God willing, he will be getting married tomorrow to a precious Christian young lady… Missy.
By God’s grace, Britton survived a serious liver disease that almost took his life before the age of 3. Over the years he has struggled through many difficulties and today is devoted to following Christ with his soon to be bride as an international missionary (God willing).
Even though he is my son, I must say he has a heart for God and the Gospel that is strong. He also has a passion for honesty, truth, and integrity. He pretty much sees all things as black or white (Very little grey in his life right now). At the same time he is compassionate and merciful (A rarely seen mix, but he has it). He loves to sing and is tenaciously loyal. He has a love for people that came from his mom.
Pam and I don’t want to let him go, but it is time. Our prayer is that God will use “B” and Missy for His glory. We pray God will draw them first closer to Himself, then each other. As parents there is a bit of sorrow at “losing” our son, but rejoicing to gain a daughter.
B… our love for you will only be understood one day when you have children (God willing). Honor God and He will honor you (1 Sam 2:30). Love Missy as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. Above all things, keep your life pure by loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and spirit. Your wedding tomorrow is a preview of the marriage of the Lamb to His Bride (The Church).
God bless you. We love you!
Mom and Dad
God Bless you and your family my Friend.
Wonderful loving message; wish Britton and Missy much happiness for many years. Love in Christ, Mel & Faye.