You may remember an NFL quarterback by the name of Randall Cunningham who played for the Philadelphia Eagles. What you may not know is that he is now a minister. Recently a profound tragedy took place… his young son Christian (Photo) drowned at his home in Las Vegas… in his hot tub.
What struck me was part of an article I read that reported the following…
Cunningham is the pastor of a church he founded called Remnant Ministries. He has performed baptisms in that same hot tub, according to reports.
The makeshift baptistery where people professed Christ as Savior and Lord was the place where the earthly life of his two year old son ended. One place will now forever be a place of remembrance of both life and death. I couldn’t help but wonder which I would remember more powerfully if that were me? Would I remember it as a place of life, or tragic death? I don’t know…
Calvary. A place of death and life. Life for one thief, death for the other. Death for Jesus, life for us. Weeping and sorrow on Friday… joy and celebration on Sunday. Judgment on Friday… mercy on Sunday. Death and life… life and death.
Jesus said in John 10:10, “I have come (To die) that so that they (All who believe) may have life (Eternal) and have it abundantly (In all situations).” And then Colossians 3:1-2, “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
Aside: Randall Cunningham played for 16 years in the NFL for the Philadelphia Eagles, Minnesota Vikings, Dallas Cowboys and Baltimore Ravens. He also starred at UNLV. He passed for 29,979 yards and 207 touchdowns in his 16-year NFL career from 1985 to 2001, made four Pro Bowls and is considered the prototype of the modern mobile quarterback. He retired in 2002 as the career leader in rushing yards among NFL quarterbacks with 4,928. The Eagles last year added him to the team’s honor roll. Cunningham returned to UNLV and earned his bachelor’s degree in 2004 in leisure studies. He said at the time he wanted to set a good example for his children.
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