The best commercial for Super Bowl 2009 was… REJECTED. This is due either to NBC’s moral and political views OR an unwillingness to be politically incorrect. Either way, you can see the commercial below…
Super Bowl Commercial (Reject)
by Ron Ethridge | Sanctity of Life, Video Posts | 3 comments
But the REAL issue is not abortion to God, is it?
The REAL issue is the relationship with God that leaves a woman feeling she has no hope and no choice.
Perhaps Christians are once again trying to legislate with law and guilt where they fail to inspire with love.
I do think that abortion is an issue to God. Abortion is the destruction and murder of human life that is created in His image and that means it is an abomination in His sight.
As for the issue that a woman has no hope or choice, I might argue that also because too are too many options that can be chosen instead of abortion (Birth would be the natural one).
I don’t think Christians are trying to legislate with law and guilt where they fail to inspire with love. If that were the case, why have laws against murder, stealing, and things like that. ALL laws are attempts to legislate morality.
Just my thoughts,
Thanks Ron, you make my point.
Laws fail miserably in establishing morality as evidenced by the number of people in jail and prison and the number of tickets written by police every day. The only real way to change the human understanding of morality is through an intimate relationship with God. Additionally, the only way to end abortion is to instill a sense of the value of life through one’s understanding of God and his creation. Jesus changed people through the deep sense of love he imparted which is what caused them to then see their sin. Abortion is merely another symptom of a world with a misunderstanding or no understanding of God. I know of a church in this area that requires it’s deacons to sign a contract stating that they will not consume nor possess in their homes alcoholic beverages of any kind. Is that not religion legislating a morality it establishes? And I am seeing more of this kind of doctrinal legislation more prevalent these days. I think the weaker one’s faith the more one needs laws to accomplish the control human beings appear to need. What human behavior is not already addressed in the Ten Commandments and the two Great Commandments of Christ? We merely need to spread the love of God through Jesus Christ if we really want to change the world. Mankind will not follow the laws of man any more than he follows the commandments of God without that deep and intimate connection to Almighty God.
Just a few follow up thoughts of mine.
Thank you for your patient dialog with this ole soul!
Searching (constantly for more of God every day…)
Ron & Searching, isn’t the real issue the glory of God, and man falling short of it? If so, then what is the answer? The answer is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Also, where did you read or how do you know this video was rejected by NBC? It was originally aired on BET.
In answer to your question about where I heard NBC rejected the ad as a Super Bowl commercial, it was widely reported { for February 5, 2009; for January 29, 2009; for January 29, 2009; for January 30, 2009; The National Review Online is another; et al}.
You can read the Washington Times article by clicking here. It is worth noting that the Times attributes NBC’s rejection to the reference of Obama at the end of the commercial.
Secondly, there is no doubt that the glory of God is at issue. I also agree that with the answer you propose. Yet I’ll go a step further by saying that I’m beginning to see that Jesus was right that only as Christians become real salt and light IN the world will injustices be corrected. The pattern there is William Wilberforce with slavery.
My question is now becoming, HOW would God have His Church be salt and light on this issue in a manner that glorifies Him? Any suggestions you have would be welcomed because I’m certainly open to them!
Thank you for your insight and comment.