There IS Wheat… There ARE Sheep!

Where I am presently interim pastor (Moulton Baptist Church), I am constantly reminded that in the church there IS wheat and there ARE sheep!  For those who may not know what I’m talking about, consider what Jesus said… Matthew 13:24 “The kingdom of...

Do You Have This Blind Spot?

  Every now and then God takes a verse of Scripture and drives it like a stake into my heart.  He pushes it so deep into my soul and spirit that it almost literally hurts.  The pain is called the conviction of the Spirit.  Truthfully, it is really difficult when God...

Church Life: Cease Fire Versus Peace

  I wonder how many hatchets are buried in churches with the handle sticking out?  Let me explain…   I was in a meeting last night where a devotion was given regarding a church situation (The church had been through some difficult times).  The man stated that...

Is Your Church An Excellent Church?

In a book by H.B. London titled Pastors At Greater Risk, the author writes on page 60 about a three year survey that examined 311 congregations to determine what made an excellent church.  The things that follow are what made a church “excellent” in the...