Surviving Church Burnout

It might be worth reading Part 1 and Part 2 of this series before reading further. Seriously… check out the others first. What should you do if you’ve been disappointed by a local congregation of believers? What should you do if/when you are looking for a...

Why People Leave A Local Congregation

I talk to a lot of people who “used to go to church,” but no longer do. They love Jesus, read their Bible, pray, minister to others, and evangelize. They are just tired up and fed (Said it that way on purpose) with how church people act. Consider a few of...

What Church Is And Ain’t

A few thoughts from a friend about what “Church” is and isn’t… “One hundred religious persons knit into a unity by careful organization do not constitute a church any more than eleven dead men make a football team. The first requisite is life,...

Insecurity Is Ugly

From observation and experience I realize the more secure I am about something, the less threatened I am when someone disagrees with me. The more confident I am about something, the less I need to correct (Or put down) others who take a different opinion. By contrast,...