What Matters…

At the end of the day… at the end of life… the things that really matter are: #1. That love for God through Jesus Christ has dominated your life… #2. That love for others has followed close behind #1… #3. That you have loved your spouse...

Okay… This Weirded Me Out!

I had a sobering moment this week!  Let me set it up for you. In Psalm 90:12 it is written, “Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” It is then written in Ecc 7:1-2, “The day of death (is better) than the day of birth. 2 It is...

What Happens When Christians Die

A dear friend of mine (David Marsh) passed away this week.  Today (Thursday) his funeral service will be held.  His sweet wife (Karen) and two small children (Olivia and Will) are now without their husband and daddy.  David was 38 years old.  Along with being a model...