Why Are We Afraid To Be Honest?

Every Sunday people get up… get in their cars… and go to church.  Along the way they mull over a variety of things like: Their marriage is in serious trouble and/or… Their financial condition is tenuous at best and/or… Their children are...

When You Are Afraid…

When you are afraid… cast out fear by loooking and trusting the God of truth!  Meditate upon these texts… 1 Sam 2:1 And Hannah prayed and said, “My heart exults in the Lord; my strength is exalted in the Lord. 1 Sam 30:6 David was greatly distressed,...

Our Concerns Reveal Who We Are!

What concerns us most, what we worry about, what dominates our prayer life… these things expose what is really important to us.  These things reveal to us the condition of our heart.  These things show us what controls us.  Next time you are tempted to have a...

Concerned About An Obama Presidency?

I recently received an email from a friend in another city expressing concern.  I thought you might find our dialogue helpful as it applies universally to difficulty and uncertainty regardless of how it is presented. He kindly allowed me to use his name.      I am...