Suggestions Of Things To Thank God For When You Pray:

  1. He set us free from the slavery of sin (Ro 6:17-18),
  2. The Grace God has given us to believe and His faithfulness to us (1 Cor 1:4-9),
  3. The victory God has given us over the sting of death (1 Cor 15:56-57),
  4. For the salvation of our brothers and sisters in Christ (Eph 1:15-16),
  5. For everything, for it is ALL ultimately good (Eph 5:18-21),
  6. For everything and God who grants us peace (Phil 4:6-7),
  7. That God has qualified us for our inheritance (Col 1:12),
  8. For everything as we live for His glory (Col 3:17),
  9. For everything as we watch Him work in, through, and around us (Col 4:2),
  10. For every circumstance we experience… for this is God’s will (1 Thess 5:15-18),
  11. For all of God’s gracious gifts (1 Tim 4:4-5).