Does what we do on Sunday matter? Does teaching Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, GAs, RAs, and Mission Friends have rewards? What about worship… CrossRoads 56… or Activators… do those things matter?
Yes they do matter! Everything we do at church is of ETERNAL consequence! This picture was taken of some of the kids of WABC choir members at a recent fellowship. All 12 of them are prized. Both Satan and God are after them. Which will get the prize? I can tell you this, we’re praying and fighting so that the Devil doesn’t claim any of them!
Kids. They’re loud, energetic, rambunctuous, undisciplined, and gifts from God. They are The Next Generation. They are part of the ones we’re called to reach with the Gospel. They are the leaders of the church. They are the next Deacons, Deacon’s wives, ministers, missionaries, and more importantly… the Godly men and women who will be salt and light in what some call the secular world. Kids… for all the struggles… are great a great joy and blessing to the Lord.
Now WABC… what you see in this picture is but a small representative of all the close to 100 or so we need to be praying for who come here each week. We need to be praying for Margie as she leads the Children’s Ministry. We need to be praying for Casey as he leads our Youth Ministry. You need to be be praying that God’s Spirit will open these kids hearts and lives so that they hear, understand, and accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Keep this in mind… no matter how good programs are, no matter how great the music is, no matter how sound the preaching is… unless GOD’S SPIRIT does His work among us everything we do is nothing more than window dressing.
Let’s all pray for God to send revival, renewal, and awakening to our midst so that The Next Generation will come to know Christ!