Recently I’ve written two posts (Click here and here) that deal with the difficulties ministers face in churches. There are two groups I want to reach out to for encouragement and ministry… Hurting Churches and Hurting Ministers. Leading From Your Strengths has something interesting worth reading on this topic… click here.
I wish Christians would quit accusing other brothers and sisters in Christ of being their enemies! I’m troubled each time I hear of churches and the problems they have. I get tired of ministers blaming deacons, other staff, and church members for their problems. I am tired of churches blaming staff for the problems they have. I get sick every time I hear about churches with problems and that there seem to be so many problem churches. I wish churches would quit thinking they have to compete with each other for the best numbers. It troubles me when I find out one church (or minister) is secretly glad when another church (or minister) is struggling. And I’m sick and tired of Satan tearing churches apart and destroying God’s ministers and their families. Just between us… I want to do something about all those things, if God will so allow it.
In my opinion, both groups (Churches and ministers) need to let go of their pride… admit they have issues and problems… repent and ask for God to forgive them… and then come together for the purpose of restoration in a manner that glorifies God instead of giving the lost a reason to blaspheme Christ. All Christians are all on the same side just as all Christian churches are working toward the same cause. We are not each other’s enemy.
Now… to turn my thoughts somewhat… consider a few things.
God uses other people, and situations, to help conform us to the image of Christ.
God only allows Satan to do what will accomplish the opposite of what Satan intends. Thus God uses Satan to accomplish His will!
People we think are our enemies are really emissaries of God’s grace. He uses them to do His work in us to make us more like His son. Rejoice in adversity
People we think are enemies are really some of the best friends we have!
If you will click here you will find something I have written to support these statements. I wish I could take total credit, but I can’t. I received it as an email, and after reading it I modified it significantly to fit my theology and beliefs.
It’s time for Christians to assault the gates of hell for God’s glory! For me that means finding ways to help hurting churches. For me that means finding ways to minister to hurting ministers. God willing, in spite of all my warts (or maybe because of them), I want to be known from this day forward in keeping with Jesus’s words… God give me the strength.
And…… we are all to go to heaven to live for eternity when we can’t get together here on earth??????
Amen, nice