alcoholicI have a question maybe you can help me with.  I’ve asked a number of people over the years and as of yet… I haven’t gotten an answer.

In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 it is written by Paul under the inspiration of the Spirit of God these words…

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

I’m only wondering about one type of person in this group… the one described as drunkards.  The people we say today are alcoholics or have a drinking problem.  Our generation is fond of saying that alcoholism is inherited (I agree in that sin is inherited from Adam), that alcoholism is a disease and not a choice that is made (I disagree on that point.).

I’m still trying to find out… what is it about being an alcoholic (A drunk) that excludes a person from heaven?

And just in case you are wondering… yes… I do have people who are close to me with this problem.  So yes… there is a personal reason for this question.


UPDATE: Wednesday 5/6/2009

    There is no need to make something harder than it ought to be is the conclusion I’ve come to.  Bottom line, it is NOT drinking in and of it’s self that results in a person being seperated from God for eternity.  It is the condition of the heart that manifests its self in the manners described in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.  In other words… a person who calls themself a Christian yet commits adultery must take a serious look at the condition of their soul before God.  A person who is greedy yet says they are saved needs to take a serious look at whether or not they are saved.  The same goes for homosexuals, liars, fornicators, thieves, etc.  It is not that drinking alcohol sends a person to hell, it is the condition of the heart that an addiction to alcohol exposes.  This answer may not suit everyone, but it is what I needed.

UPDATE: Friday 3/19/2010

This post was originally written because my dad was a severe alcoholic for several decades.  During that time he was a pastor of a baptist church.  He passed away on July 10, 2009… thus my inquiry.  I hope this helps those who may read this understand my question.  I too am a pastor and have struggled with this whole situation for years… hiding it (The fact that my dad was a pastor who was also an alcoholic) from the greatest majority of people including those I served as pastor.