We all need to get comfortable with not understanding God completely. Let’s quit stressing over particulars of why God does, causes, or allows things. That applies to things like 9/11… hurricanes… financial collapse… international war… and all the things we call blessings.
It has always bothered me that people put God on trial when things they don’t like happen, but when they’re blessed by Him (CLICK HERE and HERE!) they rarely give Him the time of day. Still, in Scripture we ARE given the reason God does what He does. It is found in Isaiah 48:10-11 where He says…
Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction. 11 For My own sake, for My own sake, I do it, for how should My name be profaned? My glory I will not give to another.
God’s number one goal is to glorify Himself… in whatever way He deems best. Because He is God, He has perfect wisdom about all things. Therefore, whatever He does… causes… or allows IS the absolute best thing that could happen (Regardless of what we think). “Shall we accept from God the good and not evil?”
In prosperity and need… God is God. In good and bad times… God is still God. In sickness and in health… God is still God. In peace and war… God is still God. Regardless of the situation, circumstance, or event… God is still God and just as much worthy of worship and glory!
Ron, I love reading “Ron’s Reflections”…You are wise beyond your years my friend. Thank you for sharing your words with us. I wanted to comment on the one you posted the other day about a member that called you. The one where God had impressed upon the woman to call and pray over you. After I read that, it made me cry. Pastors are always there for their sheep; however, so many never think about the Shepherd leading the flock and how much prayer, love, and encouragement our Pastors’ need. I was really shocked that in all the years you have pastored, no one had ever prayed over/for you. That was a real heartbreaker to me. You are loved, Bro. Ron And may the Good Lord bless you and yours all the days of your lives. Live, Jeri
Thanks Jeri… but when did you start calling me “Bro. Ron?!” As far as I’m concerned, I’m just Ron. Thank you again for your words of encouragement!
I watched interviews ,Sunday. with some of the victims families and it was so heartbreaking. There were so many people that were mad at God and saying that they could not believe in Him because of what he “allowed” to happen. I wanted to reach inside the tv and hug them and shake them and so many things. I said out loud “you just don’t get It”. He allowed His own Son to hang on a cross for His glory and our salvation. What makes them think that He wouldn’t use their families to show His glory? It is heartbreaking that in this time of tragedy, they do not see His glory in this.
Thank you Bro Ron for this, it is an answer to some questions, I had. Just finished a book about how Christians were presecuted and killed during the early church when they had done nothing wrong. God is in control no matter what happens in our life. Bottom line, HE IS GOD! That is enough. Thank you for sharing and allowing God to use you.
Thank you for sharing these spiritual gems. Your teaching along this line has helped sustain me over the past several weeks as I have experienced some unusual events in my life.